Irving Downsizing Online Auction - Coastal Downsizing LLC

Irving Downsizing Online Auction

Irving Downsizing Online Auction

⚠️ Denotes changes in our platform procedures and policies, Please read carefully.

⏰ Auction Begins Closing: MONDAY March 20th 2023 at 6PM

📚 Stagger Closing:

⚠️Lots will start closing one lot every 20 seconds unless a bid is received in the last 30 seconds in which case the lot will be extended for an additional 30 seconds until all bidding is completed for that lot. If a lot gets extended it will extend all remaining lots for 20 seconds. Extend One Extend All  


📦🛻 Pick-Up & Shipping:

⚠️Winning bidders will receive an email within 24 hours of the auction closing from “Shipping Saint” to confirm if you want to pick up or shipping on eligible items. If your item was not marked shipping available, it WILL NOT BE SHIPPED. It is the winning bidder’s sole responsibility to know when pick up is. We will no longer call anyone to remind them of pick-up. If you do not receive an email within 24 hours of the auction closing, please check your email spam folder, if you still do not see the email, please call 757-482-7192. You are no longer required to pick a time slot, however you still need to confirm if you want to pick up or you want shipping in order to get the address.

🗓 Pick-Up Date: Wednesday March 22nd 2023

⏰ Pick-Up Time: 9am to 5pm

🧭 Pick-Up Area: Near Indian Lakes Blvd and Ferrell Parkway in Virginia Beach 23464

👀 Preview Date & Time: by Appointment only Thursday March 16th 4-5PM (please call for appt and address)

⚠️ Failure to pick up your items will result in forfeiture of your items without refund per our “Terms and Conditions” you agreed to before bidding (THIS IS STRICTLY ENFORCED MOVING FORWARD). Bidders must bring their own proper loading help. OUR STAFF IS NOT PERMITTED TO MOVE ANYTHING HEAVY.

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